
12 Top Reasons for Divorce and How to Address Them

12 Top Reasons for Divorce and How to Address Them

Every couple dreams of a happily ever after, but what happens when the dream turns into reality? Sadly, couples don’t always stay together forever and sometimes decide to divorce. But what are the top reasons for divorce? Should you blame yourself or your partner when it comes to broken marriages?

In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the 12 top reasons why couples choose to part ways. From financial issues to signs he will cheat in the future, it’s essential to know these factors to manage similar issues should they arise in your relationship.

What Are Main Reasons for Divorce?

We can’t back up other people’s experiences, but here are the 12 top reasons for divorce. This list covers the most common marriage problems, from communication to financial problems.

Marital Infidelity

The most challenging and complex reason for many divorces is infidelity. When an individual decides to be unfaithful to their significant other, it can lead to devastating consequences that may destroy the marriage entirely.

Not only have they broken a promise of loving and protecting their spouse, but they have also destroyed the trust established in the relationship. The hurt that comes from having these feelings of betrayal may never heal and can cause both parties immense emotional pain.

Additionally, the remaining partner could develop feeling of distrust and resentment towards the other, resulting in a toxic union doomed for divorce. 

When one partner betrays their spouse by having an affair or engaging in other forms of intimate relationships outside of the marriage, trust is broken, and resentment builds up on both sides, which can lead to irreparable damage to the union.

Can you spot cheating in a relationship early on? Often, signs of cheating can be seen in a couple’s relationship even before the infidelity occurs. And perhaps secretiveness, a lack of communication, or diminished intimacy can be early indicators of an affair. Luckily, you can easily spot cheating in a relationship without giving away your suspicions.

How to Uncover Cheating in a Relationship

Rather than hiring a private investigator or haunting your partner’s social media feeds, here is a working toolkit for uncovering cheating in a relationship. All you need is 5 minutes of your time, Internet, and patience.

And no – we’re not talking about snooping on their phone. At least directly.

Thanks to up-to-date tools and technologies, you can check up on their location and private chat rooms and more without compromising your relationship.

mSpy is a sophisticated mobile phone and computer monitoring software designed to help concerned spouses without actually breaking into their devices. It provides full access to the target device’s activity, allowing you to:

  • Monitor the device’s location in real-time with GPS tracking.
  • Monitor incoming and outgoing messages on popular apps such as WhatsApp, Snapchat, Viber, etc.
  • Access the list of websites visited and bookmarks added.
  • View all photos taken with the device’s camera.
  • Monitor social networks like Facebook and Instagram.
  • Get access to private chat rooms and more.

With mSpy, you can stay informed of your partner’s online activity without invading their privacy or breaking into their devices – which is one of the leading causes of divorce today. With this tool, you can keep track of who they are talking to, and what they are looking at online, and ultimately will be able to catch any suspicious activity before signs of the leading cause for divorce arise.

At the same time, mSpy can also be used as a preventive measure against infidelity. By having complete visibility into your partner’s online activities, you can look for red flags that could signal potential cheating and take steps to nip it in the bud.

Financial Conflict

When it comes to marriages, financial conflict can be the nail in the coffin. Unfavorable money habits that a partner may bring into a marriage can wear away at trust, leading to stagnant growth and mutual resentment. 25% of divorced couples cite financial strains as the primary reason for their divorce.

Problems arise when one partner has no control – whether real or perceived – over their shared finances; this often leads to an unequal playing field in decision-making power and ultimately an erosion of intimacy in the relationship.

Additionally, when couples have vastly different spending habits or wildly varying views on money management, these dynamics can become difficult to balance. For instance, a partner who is frequently irresponsible with their spending may lead to an unhealthy amount of stress for the other partner, making them feel overwhelmed and unsupported.

Emotional Neglect

leading cause for divorce

Emotional neglect is a big driver of divorce and can sneak up on couples seemingly out of nowhere. When someone feels like they’re not being seen, heard, or valued in a relationship, it cannot be easy to stay connected.

This emotional distance only grows as shared interests dissipate and conversations become less frequent and more shallow. Divorce becomes the logical solution when two people don’t feel that their common lives are satisfying anymore.

Unfortunately, couples often need to catch the warning signs before this point; spending time together can become something to check off a list rather than enjoying an essential part of their bond. Here’s a point where emotional cheating steps in.

Expert’s perspective: Emotional cheating is not physical infidelity but can be just as damaging to a marriage. When someone is emotionally involved with another person outside their marriage, it pulls them away from their spouse. 
Want to know who the other person is? Consider the inner circle of the marriage: friends, family members, and work colleagues or check the most messaging contacts with mSpy if you suspect your spouse is emotionally cheating.

Mental Health Issues

Working through mental illness as a couple can prove to be one of the biggest challenges any relationship will face, and it requires both parties to understand the disorder being experienced by their partner. What are main reasons for divorce in that case? 

Even with proper treatment, there is no guarantee that the illness will improve enough for the marriage to survive. If symptoms persist or worsen, those suffering from such conditions may struggle more with expressing and managing their emotions in an interpersonal relationship.

The partner in good health must therefore gain an understanding of the illness, how to navigate difficult conversations, and how best to offer compassion and support during moments of difficulty.



Abuse in any form can be devastating, and when it comes to marriage, it can be even more damaging. The psychological effects of physical, verbal or emotional abuse create a traumatic experience that often leads to the dissolution of the marriage.

In these cases, the victim needs to take action to end the cycle of hurt and harm. Divorce is one way for them to reclaim power and control over their own lives – and not allow the abuser to continue hurting them or their children.

Unfortunately, abuse often goes unrecognized until tragedy strikes, with victims staying in abusive relationships out of fear or because they see no other option until drastic measures are taken.


Addiction is a powerful affliction that can break apart a marriage from the inside out. Addictions require intense dedication, effort, and resources to maintain, leaving little left over for other aspects of life, including marriage.

One partner may become so entrenched in an addiction that they disconnect entirely from their spouse and forget to recognize how the habit affects their relationship. Alcohol or drug abuse are leading cause of divorce, with 24% of survey respondents citing addiction as the primary reason for their parting.

Hiding the addiction or all the associated costs only serves to compound the problem; when one partner discovers what has been going on behind closed doors it can devastate trust and make it almost too difficult to take steps toward healing.

The resentment caused by being lied to and having financial resources squandered away on addiction can lead to divorce, as there is often no other hope for recovery in such cases.

Religious differences

Challenges can often lead to divorce when two people come from different religious backgrounds. Differences between the couple’s religious beliefs may not be evident at the beginning of their relationship, but can become a source of tension as certain practices and doctrines clash.

This type of disagreement burdens a marriage, as each partner is trying to remain true to their faith. The debate can begin small but eventually cause more strain in the marriage until they decide it is best for each party involved to part ways.

Religion can often be incredibly personal, making it difficult for one side to compromise or accept differences. Unfortunately, these differences are too much for some marriages and become the top reasons for divorce.

Loss of Intimacy

Losing intimacy in a marriage can be one of the most devastating reasons why couples divorce. Intimacy is an essential cornerstone of creating and nourishing a connection between two people, which makes it incredibly difficult for a married couple when they no longer feel emotionally connected or close physically.

Being unable to share meaningful conversations, cuddle up in bed, or enjoy each other’s company are only some signs that may lead a married couple down the path known as divorce.

Without intimacy and closeness, marriages can quickly become dry, stale, and stagnant — leading many partners to find satisfaction elsewhere. From workplace affairs to online romances, when one or both partners are no longer satisfied in their relationship, they may choose to terminate it and seek out a new partner.

Lack of Communication

lack of communication

Communication is the most critical factor in any relationship, but it often gets overlooked. Without healthy communication between two people who are married or otherwise together, resentments can easily build up over time.

When couples stop communicating with each other and resolving their differences, those issues can snowball relatively quickly, turning into an insurmountable mountain. Divorce usually becomes inevitable when this happens, and continued communication either doesn’t work or isn’t attempted.

While no divorce should happen lightly, people need to take into account the time and effort to go into successful communication if they want their relationship to survive in the long term.

Otherwise, the person will be left with the unfortunate consequences of a terrible communication failure – with costly repercussions that extend far beyond their own lives.


Navigating the relationship between in-laws and a married couple can be a challenge, and when rocky in-law dynamics arise, it can quickly become a major source of tension.

Interfering behavior on either side can create an environment where personal boundaries are not respected, leading to additional conflicts and misunderstandings. Unfortunately, when these issues go unresolved for too long, it often leads to discord and can even cause divorce.

If a couple struggles with their in-laws, managing difficult conversations early on is key – it could even save their marriage from lasting damage further down the road!

Different Core Values

When two people first get together, it can seem like everything is perfect. They share the same interests and agree with core values such as integrity, kindness, and ambition. However, different opinions may start to arise after a while because of individual growth and life experiences.

When this happens, couples may find that the root of their conflict lies in philosophical disagreement over core values. This can be highly damaging to a relationship because they will have fundamentally different beliefs. 

These diverging perspectives make it difficult to come to an agreed-upon solution, so partnerships based on incompatible values disintegrate. Many people consider this issue as the most common reason for divorce.

The key is for couples to recognize these shifts in opinion early on and have meaningful conversations with each other to ensure they remain of similar mindsets when it comes to fundamental beliefs.

Changes in Appearance

People often look at relationships from the perspective of how two individuals interact with each other emotionally, but physical appearances can affect the connection between people as well.

Due to natural changes in the body and facial features, it’s not uncommon for one partner to look noticeably different over time than when they started the relationship. Additionally, mindset shifts can affect both partners’ understanding of each other and their individual views of life.

These both are normal phases, but if someone undergoes a radical transformation that is unrecognizable to the other person, then it can cause for confusion and create a disconnect. Communication, patience, and understanding help bridge this disconnect and forge an even greater bond.

What Are Your Chances of Dealing with the Leading Cause for Divorce?

Perhaps the reasons for divorce have dropped your heart in the pit of your stomach, but it’s important to know what you’re up against. Divorce statistics can give us a bleak picture but can also be used to identify potential risks and concerns in the progress of any relationship.

About 40-50% of first marriages end in divorce. It’s even higher for second and third marriages. 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. These figures indicate that it’s essential to carefully consider the reasons for divorce and the potential risks involved in a relationship before making any major decisions.

Research has found that people who married young (under the age of 30) were more likely to divorce than those who waited until their thirties. This may be because young couples often need more life experience and have thoroughly discussed essential topics like finances, parenting, career paths, and values.

Gender roles and expectations are also major factors in divorce. The eternal breadwinner-homemaker model is no longer valid for modern couples. Some men find it hard to accept that the responsibility of making a living now falls equally on both spouses.

In addition, communication problems can be detrimental to a marriage. Poor communication leads to misunderstandings and arguments, resulting in resentment, anger, and frustration. That’s why women are more likely to initiate divorce, with 69% of the cases filed by them.

Steps To Avoid the Most Common Reason for Divorce

what are main reasons for divorce

We all know that no one wants to face the prospect of a failed marriage, but unfortunately, statistics show us its possibility. Though there is no surefire way to avoid a divorce, there are steps you can take to mitigate the risk instead of ruminating on what are main reasons for divorce.

  1. Invest in effective communication: Communication is essential for a happy marriage. When one or both of the partners fail to communicate effectively, resentment and frustration build up, leading to arguments and divorce. Couples should learn how to express themselves without placing blame on their partner and always attempt to reach an understanding together.
  2. Respect your spouse: Respect is key to maintaining a healthy relationship. It’s essential that couples value each other’s opinions, feelings and beliefs even if they don’t agree with them at all times. By respecting each other as individuals, they will be more likely to work through any disagreements peacefully and amicably.
  3. Be open to compromise: It’s unrealistic to expect your partner to always agree with you on every major decision in life. Couples should be willing to compromise rather than dragging their differences out, as this could lead to tension and resentment that can eventually cause the relationship to break down.
  4. Spend time together: As with any relationship, couples need time apart in order to stay connected with each other. Spending quality time together is essential, even if it’s just a few minutes here and there throughout the day or week. This will help remind them of why they fell in love and that something special between them still needs to be nurtured and taken care of.
  5. Appreciate each other: Everyone needs to feel appreciated and valued for a relationship to thrive. Expressing appreciation for your partner’s actions or saying kind words can go a long way in strengthening and preserving your relationship. Showing love and affection is also important and will help keep you both connected.
  6. Make time for yourself: It’s essential to have time apart from your partner to be an individual and part of a couple. Taking time allows you to think, reflect, grow, and focus on what’s important to you without worrying about pleasing or impressing anyone else. This can help reduce stress levels that often lead to arguments between couples.
  7. Accept responsibility for your actions: Everyone makes mistakes and it’s important to accept responsibility for them. Taking accountability instead of blaming or pointing fingers will show that you care about the relationship and are willing to take steps to improve things.
  8. Speak out when something is wrong: If something isn’t right, don’t just stay quiet and let it rot. Be honest with your partner about how you’re feeling – this will not only strengthen the bond between you both, but it will also create an avenue for communication, which can help reduce tension in the relationship.
  9. Have realistic expectations: Don’t expect your spouse to provide everything for you, or to be perfect all the time. Everyone has their own flaws and weaknesses; try to remember this when things get tough and focus on what makes them special instead.
  10. Work through problems together: Whenever there’s a problem or disagreement, try to address it head-on rather than allowing it to linger or sweep it under the rug. Talk it out, compromise when necessary, and stay focused on the solution rather than pointing fingers or placing blame. This will help to prevent resentment from building up, which can cause irreparable damage to a relationship.
  11. Revaluate your relationship regularly: Take the time to step back and evaluate your relationship. Look at both the positives and negatives, see if there are any adjustments you can make to improve things, and set realistic goals for how to get through any issues that may arise.
  12. Take breaks: Taking a break from each other is not an admission of defeat; it’s quite healthy for a relationship. It allows both partners some much-needed breathing room and time away from the situation so they can come back with fresh perspectives and ideas on how to move forward together.


Divorce is not something to be taken lightly, and it should always be a last resort. However, in some cases, it may be the best choice for both partners. These top 12 reasons for divorce can give you an idea of why couples choose to end their relationships and how to avoid making the same mistakes in your relationship.

By knowing what signs to look out for, taking time to evaluate your relationship and understand each other’s needs, and speaking openly with one another, you can hopefully make informed decisions that will ultimately benefit both of you.

We believe that prevention is the best approach to managing a healthy relationship, and you will implement the best strategies to protect you both if you understand the common reasons for divorce. You deserve to be happy, and our post can help ensure your relationship is on the right track.

Good luck!

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